Exchange flags- X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
- Instructions: X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
- Parameter: none
- Return: none
- Description:
Swaps N characters of the braille string belonging to the code with any number or capital prefixes placed before it. The value after the "X" of the flag identifies the quantity of characters that must be exchanged. Values from 1 to 5 can be used.
- Examples:
Text string: biblos
Braille string: 36 36 12 234
Condition: X2
Description: When the word "biblos" is identified, it is transcribed with the cells "36 36 12 234". If the word has the first capital letter "Biblos", thanks to the "X2" flag it is transcribed as "36 36 12 234". If the condition did not use the "X2" flag, it would be transcribed as "46 36 36 12 234".