
Blind, Braille and Embossing Technologies

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Braille- Draws a braille text

Draws a braille text in the tactile graph.

- Braille(T,X,Y,HS[,A])


- (String) T: Text string to be drawn in Braille;

- (int) X: horizontal coordinate on which the drawing is based;

- (int) Y: vertical coordinate on which the drawing is based;

- (int) HS: Drawing origin point. It can have the following values:

hsTopLeft: Start point in the top left corner;

hsTopCenter: Start point at the top center;

hsTopRight: Start point in the upper right corner;

hsMidLeft: Start point in the middle on the left;

hsMidCenter: Start point in the middle of the center;

hsMidRight: Start point in the middle on the right;

hsBotLeft: Start point in the bottom left corner;

hsBotCenter: Start point at the bottom center;

hsBotRight: Start point in the bottom right corner;

- (bool) A: Braille dot alignment (optional).


Use Braille to draw braille text. The text drawing T is defined by the X Y point and the HS parameter, which defines the origin point of the drawing.

The text is drawn using the current pen color and the default Braille cell and encode type from the BrailleType instruction. Optional parameter A aligns braille text to the size of the braille cell. It is a Boolean parameter that can be True or False. If omitted the braille cells will be freely arranged in the graph, without respecting the alignment with other cells.

Drawing with the mouse:

From the drawing context menu choose Braille. Move your pointer to the point where you want to fix the origin point of the text design and press the left button. The Braille Text Wizard window opens, with the X Y coordinates already set, from which the text to be drawn is inserted and the origin point selected.