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Brush- Sets a brush type

Choose the type of brush you want to fill in your figures or surfaces with.

- Brush(N)


- (int) N: Brush identifier.

Brush identifiers:

- 0: transparent brush. All surfaces are transparent;

- 1: 100% of the surface is the color of the pen;

- 2: The surface has a 50% dithering with pen color;

- 3: The surface has a 25% dithering with the color of the pen;

- 4: The surface has 12% dithering with pen color;

- 5: The surface has a 6% dithering with the color of the pen;

- 6: The surface has a 3% dithering with the color of the pen;

- 7: 100% of the surface takes on the color of the brush.


Use Brush to change the brush type. The brush is the drawing tool that fills the surfaces of closed figures. The default setting is transparent type. It means that when you draw a closed figure, such as a circle or a square, the inside of the figure will be transparent. The lines may then overlap with the lines below. However, if you use a different brush type, the surfaces of the figures will be full and the type of dithering will depend on the brush type you choose. Brush dithering is always done with two colors: the pen color and the brush color.

The Brush instruction should be used before blocking drawing instructions that intend to use it. If you use the ColorBrush instruction before Brush, the brush type will use the chosen color as the background. If you use ColorBrush after Brush, the brush will be completely replaced by the uniform color you choose.


- Draw a disc with the red dither superimposed on a circle





- Draw a white disc superimposed on a circle


